Oasis Church

Oasis Church

Monday, January 4, 2016

Jesus Is The Ultimate Gift

Christmastime has come to a close and we have ushered in a new year. But instead of looking ahead just yet, I want to look back for a moment on what took place a mere handful of days ago.  Christmas.  The time of year most of the world, whether they are a believer or not, celebrates the birth of Jesus whether they realize that or not.

Christmas is a time spent with family and friends, giving gifts to those we love.  You may or may not have received a gift from a loved one this past Christmas but I guarantee every single person on this planet whether past, present or future has already been given the Ultimate Gift; Jesus.  God gave Him over 2,000 years ago.

You won’t find Him on sale in any store, and you won’t find Him wrapped up in a pretty bow lying under your Christmas tree.  Instead, you’ll find that He was wrapped in humanity, and nailed to a cross on Calvary’s hill.  

He has been placed at the door of your heart, waiting to be opened and received.  Sadly, not everyone opens his or her heart to receive this Ultimate Gift.  Rather, they let the Gift go untouched and they choose instead to open their hearts to empty boxes.  But empty boxes are exactly that.  Empty.  Devoid of life.

So I encourage you today; if you have never opened the Ultimate Gift that has been given to you, open it!  Choose Life.  Choose Jesus.

Jesus answered and said to her, “If you knew the gift of God, and whom it is who says to you, ‘Give Me a drink,’ you would have asked Him, and He would have given you living water.”  -John 4:10

Dina Pugh