Change or New
I have always had issues with change. I hate moving. I don’t
like construction on the freeway. I can’t stand getting gas at a station I’ve
never been too. Change has always seemed to be a negative to me. Change kind of
scares me. I don’t want things to change. I like staying in my comfortable
bubble of the same old stuff.
But then again I do like things that are new. I like getting
a new car parts. We recently got a new car and I’m super stoked on that. I
enjoy trying new foods and restaurants. My son is two and every day I come home,
he is doing something new.
Everything we experience together is new. The newness of it
all is super exciting and I enjoy it. Everyday with him is brand new. “So what’s the difference, Austin?” “All those new things seem a lot like change.”
So here is where the issue lies with me. Most of the time
change is involved because I’ve been doing something wrong. Growing up I was
told I needed to change behavior. My wife tells me I look ridiculous so I need
to change what I’m wearing before she will leave the house with me.
If my boss tells me I need to change something I’m working
on it’s because I’m not doing things the way he wants them done. I don’t like
doing things wrong. I want to do things right. And if I think my way is the
correct way, immediately I put up a fence. I’m doing things the way I want to
do them and it’s tough cookies if anyone else feels any different.
I’ve come to realize when I was growing up I did not behave
in the best manner. And it’s not always the best idea to wear striped pants and
a Hawaiian button up. And when the boss man is telling me to do things his way,
it’s because he holds the title, “Boss Man.”
Most of the time change is for my best interest.
So when I was told we were going to change the way we do
things with the youth group I had a bit of a conversation in my head. I was
like, “Austin grab the fence! Think up your best defense!!! They said
But in the same moment I was excited. I was ready for
something new. I wanted things to change and I wanted it all to be new to me
again. New is precious. Our church is striving for that new not the same old
same old. I mean seriously, I’ve been teaching youth kids for like ten years
and now I’m blogging…lol.
God doesn’t want us to get stuck in our unchanged bubble. He
wants our hearts changed. He wants us to be new each day and to continue that
for our whole lives. We never stop changing.
Austin McLeod
A great perspective, Austin!