Have you ever felt weary? I
don’t mean from working too hard or not sleeping enough. But with the things in
life that seem to be a constant battle. I have found that if we don’t focus our
attention on God and draw from His strength continually, we will inevitably
become weary and our hope may slip away.
So how do we combat this?
Simple. We get our eyes off of ourselves and onto Jesus. I came across a quote
by John VandenOever the other day that has stuck in my mind. He says, “When we
lift Jesus up, high above our troubles, we replace disappointment, fear and
death with peace, faith, and life.”
In other words, instead of
focusing on our problems, which only produces burdens of worry, robbing us of
our joy, let’s do what we and all of creation were made to do: Lift up the name
of Jesus!
Our problems, no matter how
big, pale in comparison to whom He is and what He has done for us. One glimpse
of the cross should dispel any doubt. Philippians 4:8 is an excellent tool to
help us refocus our thoughts:
“Finally, brethren, whatever
things are true, (Jesus is true)
whatever things are noble, (Jesus is
noble) whatever things are just, (Jesus
is just) whatever things are pure, (Jesus
is pure) whatever things are lovely, (Jesus
is lovely) whatever things are of good report, (The gospel) if there is any virtue and if there is anything
praiseworthy- (Jesus!) meditate on
these things.” (Emphasis added)
So the next time you find
yourself heavy laden, and all you have in you is the strength to say His name,
be of good cheer…His name is all you need.
Dina Pugh
It makes me think of that song by 7seventh time down, "Just say Jesus"