Oasis Church

Oasis Church

Monday, July 6, 2015

No Soliciting

In our neighborhood, we get a ridiculous amount of solicitors.  There seems to be a steady stream of people knocking on our door trying to convince us to buy solar, buy magazines so they can win a trip, switch over to home delivery dry cleaning, or even buy meat from their truck. Ew.

They are all fairly smooth talkers and work hard at making their product sound valuable and necessary.  They certainly don’t take “no” for an answer and will continue to push their wares on me or any other unsuspecting neighbor who opens up their door.

So, that being said, I’ve learned to stop opening my door to them.  I don’t want what they’re selling, so I’m not going to give them the opportunity to try and convince me otherwise.  I have no trouble keeping my door shut on them.

Now if only I could just as easily keep the door shut when Fear, Doubt, and Worry come knocking.  I would save myself the misery of listening to, and sometimes falling for, their cunning sales pitch.  But unfortunately, more often than not, when they come knocking I open the door wide open and buy into their empty promises instead of immediately slamming the door.

It’s not that I don’t recognize them and accidently open the door.  I know who they are and as much as I want to turn my back on them and walk away, I get suckered in. It is by God’s strength that I am able to take a stand against them and say no.  I need to trust God and His promises to me regardless of how hard Fear, Doubt, and Worry pound on my door.  After all, they can’t get in if I don’t open the door.

Deuteronomy 31:6 …do not fear
Matthew 21:21 …do not doubt
Matthew 6:25 …do not worry

Dina Pugh

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